How a Marketing Coach Went Viral, Got Featured, and Attracted a $30K Lead

How 2 Medium articles unlocked new opportunities and generated over a hundred potential leads for this marketing consultant




New Email Subscribers



The Client

Nicole Matthews is the founder of The Marketing Chicks. It’s a creative marketing agency located in Houston, Texas. Clients include major brands like Starbucks, Palmers, Jack Daniels, ColourPop Cosmetics, and more. It also operates The Marketing Chicks University, which offers resources, online courses, and coaching programs to small business owners. 

The Problem

For decades, Matthews was well-known throughout Houston's business scene. However, she often worked behind the scenes helping corporate brands. If she was ever in front of the camera, it was to share her knowledge with aspiring entrepreneurs and small business owners.

But over time, Matthews became unsatisfied with her local audience. "I wanted to branch out and become better known. I didn't want to just be a Houston marketing coach anymore. I wanted to be known as an amazing marketing coach, in general. I also wanted to attract more diverse and higher-ticket clients."

To do this, she knew she needed to build her personal brand with thought leadership and get featured in industry media. But she had a few problems: she hated writing, didn't have enough time and energy to write, and didn't know how to write in a style that people enjoyed.

She needed someone who could translate her high-level but disorganized thoughts onto paper without sacrificing her truth and voice. 

The Solution

Matthews contacted Romelus and asked that she help her write a few articles. Articles that would be used for earned media and other opportunities.

However, Romelus went above and beyond. She executed a marketing strategy that would boost Matthew's online audience, position her as an expert, and generate potential leads.

Part 1: Growth Marketing on Medium

Initially, Matthews wanted to publish the articles on a blog. But Romelus knew that it would take months to build a loyal readership. Until then, posts would just be sitting there with no attention.

She recommended that they leverage a more popular platform before building their own. Borrowing someone else's audience allows them to grow and receive feedback faster.

The platform they picked was Medium. However, there were still risks that the articles would underperform there. So Romelus designed a strategy that would get people to read Matthews's articles.

She knew that there were two major ways to get popular on Medium:

  • Get curated or promoted by Medium editors
  • Get featured in publications and their email newsletters

But getting curated or featured isn't easy. And going viral was harder. Articles had to be the following to have the biggest impact:

  • Satisfy publications' and Medium's guidelines
  • Be relevant to the most popular topics on Medium
  • Be authentic to the author
  • Be interesting and helpful to readers
  • Have eye-catching copy and images

They decided to write about The Marketing Chick's journey to $1M in sales. Then months later, they wrote about how Matthews’ grew a client’s Instagram by 1905% with local influencer marketing.

Next, Romelus researched publishing guidelines to best package and submit the articles so that they’ll be picked up by publications and editors for curation and cross-promotion.

She then started planning these articles with all these factors in mind to create the most effective content possible.

Part 2: Ghostwriting Interviews and Content Editing

Having a marketing strategy increased Matthew’s confidence. However, she quickly realized that she didn’t have enough time to develop and publish the content.

She was too busy running her business to write. So, Romelus decided to write articles on her behalf by interviewing her which increased effectiveness and efficiency.

The first call was 30-min giving a quick overview of what the stories will be about and brainstorming how they’ll frame it. Next, Romelus built outlines that prepared the article for publication.

She interviewed Matthews for about an hour on all the content for the articles. She asked her questions and summarized key points for clarification. She also recorded, transcribed, and took notes during the call.

She made sure to extract important enough and fill in the gaps with research. She listened carefully as Matthews shared details and her honest thoughts. Used her past articles to study her voice.

Next, she organized the ideas into an article outline that told a story, wrote headlines that were proven to work on the platform, and grab the audience’s attention. Found pictures and screenshots to make the post more engaging. Adding a CTA that would transform viewers into leads. 

Each 1-hour interview was transformed into 2,500-word articles. When she finished her drafts, she gave them to Matthews for approval, so she could add her personal touches.

She was so pleased! What could’ve been 80 hours of labor was off her hands. 

Part 3: A Simple Funnel that Generates Leads

Romelus knew that to turn eyeballs into lasting connections, she needed more than just successful blog posts. She built a simple but powerful funnel to turn readers into leads, and eventually, customers.

At the end of each blog, she put a clear call to action inviting readers to join a free email course that she developed and published. The sign-up page was straightforward, asking only for a name and email address in exchange for the course.

It was easy to use, with no distractions—just a promise of help and insight.

And it worked. People didn't just sign up; they got involved. They opened the emails—a 60% open rate over three emails is impressive. They even replied, sharing how much the course helped them. It was more than numbers; it was real engagement.

In the end, over 100 leads came in. Romelus's funnel showed that a clear message and a genuine offer could build a community of interested, engaged readers ready to take the next step.

The Results

Romelus's marketing strategy led to impressive results:

  • Articles earned over 40,000 views on Medium
  • Brought in over 100 new email subscribers
  • Attracted the attention of a Burger IM franchise owner who became a lead valued at $30,000
  •  Got her featured in an industry magazine, 6-figure Coach Magazine, and popular online publications like The Startup and Thrive Global
  • Was shared and liked by business leaders and execs from big names like Netflix

What Clients Are Saying

"I'll be honest, writing has never been my thing. It felt like a chore, and I dreaded the thought of churning out blog posts. When I handed this task over to Beth, I was just hoping to take a bit of the load off my shoulders. But what she delivered was beyond anything I could have imagined. She took my tangled thoughts and laid them out in a way that just clicked with folks. It's like she knew exactly how to translate my voice into something people really wanted to read. With her at the helm, my ideas are not just words on a page; they're sparking conversations and catching nods from the industry's best. Beth has not just met my expectations; she's blown them out of the water."

– Nicole Matthews
Founder, The Marketing Chicks