How a Sales Instructor Earned $10K in 5 Weeks

This software salesman achieved 5-figure sales in his first professional launch.


In course sales


Average email open rate


Linkedin impressions

The Client

Alistar Davis is the founder and managing director of Jabba Training. A sales and presentation training company located in Cape Town, South Africa. Its clients include major software companies like Google, Salesforce, Oracle, and more.

The Problem

Davis noticed that many software salespeople struggled to create virtual presentations and demos that delighted prospects and closed deals.

This inspired him to create an online course on building engaging sales presentations with voice acting and storytelling. However, he quickly realized that he needed a proven sales method of his own.

Davis got tired of constantly hustling and messaging people to join his course. He needed a straightforward strategy to get paying students. But, he didn't know how to get started.

"I was so frustrated. I knew I needed marketing but I wasn't sure about which one. I also had a deadline so I couldn't spend too much learning about it," he said. "I needed someone to give and execute a plan for me."

The Solution

Davis went searching for a team that could promote his courses. He soon hired:

  • 411 Agency - An agency responsible for marketing strategy, LinkedIn ad management, and tech integration
  • Beth Romelus - A conversion copywriter, content marketing strategist, and scriptwriter
  • Tyson Jopson - A freelance writing assistant

The Strategy

In mid-2022, Davis's course was priced at $900 - 1,000. It was too expensive for potential customers to buy instantly. They needed more information and nurturing before giving a sale.

411 Agency recommended that Davis follow the Product Launch Formula. It's an online marketing strategy developed by Jeff Walker. 

However, executing such a strategy would be difficult since more people have become familiar with and less trusting of this formula. Davis needed marketing messages that were unique, helpful, and protected his reputation.

This is when Romelus started to manage, develop, and edit all content and copywriting assets within the strategy.

The Pre-Pre-Launch

The team decided to use LinkedIn video ads to attract software salespeople and convert them into email subscribers.

Next, Romelus wrote a 2-minute script that quickly addressed these salespeople's biggest problem: their virtual demos and presentations weren't closing deals.

She positioned Davis as an expert by having him explain the benefits of engagement and storytelling when persuading prospects.

She also wrote a smooth transition to promote Davis's lead magnet, 7 Power Presentation Openings.

This script allowed Davis to deliver a video that quickly grabbed his audience's attention and appealed to their desire for career growth. You can watch it here:

Romelus also wrote LinkedIn ad copy to attract more qualified students and increase conversions. Here are the variations she sent for A/B testing:

The Pre-Launch

The goal was to create a customer journey that nurtured relationships and conditioned people to buy.

Romelus started by brainstorming possible lead magnets. She decided on a 10-minute video called 7 Power Presentation Openings. It was relevant, specific, and helpful.

Next, she wrote a video script that explained:

  • The importance of getting people's attention
  • How to structure a presentation opening
  • How to deliver the opening with ease
  • The 7 opening templates to use instantly

You can watch it here:

Romelus also wrote welcome, nurture, and sales email sequences that transformed email subscribers into customers in a few weeks.

With Tyson Jopson's editing, the emails made people open their inboxes and excited to join Davis's free course webinar training. Davis explained, "[Beth] Romelus isn’t just a writer but also a great online salesperson. She understood my audience, their problems, and desires so easily."

The average email open rate was 52.2%. Here is the simplified version of the email workflow:

The Launch

The goal was to create an effective landing page that would transform hesitant salespeople into buyers.

First, Romelus tackled Maven's video section. She knew that a great video would increase conversions by quickly explaining the course's benefits and curriculum.

She wrote a 150-second video script that addressed salespeople's pain points and summarized Davis's presentation course. You can watch it here:

Next, she revised Davis's landing page for higher conversions by replacing past copy with:

  • Appealing course title and headline
  • Highly-relevant benefit and testimonial sections
  • Instructor bio that positioned him as a sales expert
  • Course lessons consisting of persuasive bullet points
  • Frequently asked questions that handled objections and re-promoted the course.

Here's a preview of the landing page:

The Results

After integrating the marketing and sales materials, the campaign went live for 5 weeks. After this launch, the campaign achieved:

  • 58,722 Linkedin impressions
  • 0.62% click-through rate
  • 52.2% average email open rate
  • 7.2% average click-through rate
  • 10 sales or $10,000

The Team's Praise

"When looking for help with promoting my course, I knew I needed a writer but didn't know what kind. So I got very lucky when I met Beth because she's a versatile talent who can rise to almost any occasion. She's amazing at crafting consistent messages between different formats and platforms. She also knew what specific phrases and formulas would emotionally resonate with my audience. Lastly, she's a problem solver. She asked thoughtful questions about my audience's problems and knew how to quickly position my course as a painkiller. I recommend her to any experienced professional or business owner looking to sell their online courses. She's hardworking, adaptable, easy-going, and passionate about achieving results."

– Alistar Davis
Founder, Jabba Training

"411 Agency collaborated with Beth Romelus on a Jabba Training online course launch campaign, in which she assisted our team with strategic planning and copywriting. Beth was an absolute pleasure to work with and an utmost professional, we would not hesitate in recommending her services to other businesses."

– James Woolley

Managing Director, 411 Agency